What is Flood Insurance and Is It Included In My Homeowners Policy?

Flood insurance is coverage to consider, especially if you own or rent a home in the Temecula, CA, area. Flood insurance covers losses caused by water damage from flooding. Floods are often caused by heavy rain, melting snow, coastal storms, blocked storm drains, or dam failure. If your property is located near a river, creek, or another body of water that is known to flood, it’s a good idea to consider adding it to your homeowner’s policy. Unfortunately, costly flooding can happen anywhere. You might have a few questions about whether investing in flood insurance is necessary. That’s where the experienced and friendly team at Friant Insurance Agency can help.

Is Flood Insurance Included In My Homeowners Policy?

It’s always a good idea to review your homeowner’s insurance policy to understand exactly what it covers and doesn’t cover. This includes flood coverage. A standard home insurance policy usually doesn’t cover flood damage expenses, and this coverage requires additional premiums.

How To Determine if You Are Required to Carry Flood Insurance

If your home or business is located in a designated high-risk flood area, and you have a mortgage, you are likely required to carry flood insurance. Additionally, flood insurance is required if you live in a high-risk area and have received federal disaster assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Our Friant Insurance Agency team can assist.

Get More Information About Flood Insurance

Even if your property isn’t located in a high-risk area, flood insurance is an additional layer of protection that is much less expensive than costly water damage repairs. Protect your property. Friant Insurance Agency, serving the Temecula, CA, area, can help you find the right flood insurance policy. Contact us today.